Thursday, December 31, 2015
Questions to Ask Yourself at the New Year
from Psychology Today - Relationships
The Khan Academy of the Clitoris
from Psychology Today - Relationships
Love What You Do, Pour Your Heart Into It and You'll Succeed
from Psychology Today - Relationships
White Chili
Do you like white chili? If you are not familiar with it, it’s sort of the calmer, nicer cousin of a Texas chili. No frantically looking for something to put out the flames from a beef and habanero fest. White chili is made with white beans, chicken (sometimes pork), and mild green chiles.
Simply Recipes Run Eat and Repeat of December 2015
Hello from Florida! I’m still enjoying the weather and beautiful beaches down here for the holidays. Love it. Yesterday Ben and I headed to the beach for sunset and it was so gorgeous! We walked to the end of the beach and had it all to ourselves. That’s hard to find in SoCal! Before we […]
The post Best Run Eat and Repeat of December 2015 appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.
from Run Eat Repeat
The Kitchn's Most Popular Posts of October 2015 — The Kitchn's Best of 2015
3 Relationship and Love Lessons Learned This Year
from Psychology Today - Relationships
Boxed Wine Pitcher Cocktails: White Wine, Rum & Apple Cider Cocktail — Out of the (Wine) Box Cocktails
For today's boxed wine pitcher cocktail, I combined two flavors synonymous with the winter months: apple cider and rosemary. I added a rich aged rum, dry orange curaçao, crisp white wine, and spiced orange bitters to these classic holiday flavors for this island-inspired drink. It's the perfect pitcher cocktail to ease the tension in a crowded kitchen or just sip on all afternoon.
Could Football Practices Without Helmets Help Prevent Concussions?
from WebMD Health
Drinking Water Pipes Full of 'Good' Bacteria
from WebMD Health
How Connected Are You to Your Life?
from Psychology Today - Relationships
10 Ways Your Freezer Can Make Everyday Cooking Easier — The Kitchn's Best of 2015
Your freezer isn't just for ice cream and that half-empty bottle of vodka — it can actually be a tool to help you streamline your everyday cooking routine and make life easier on yourself. Follow these 10 tips for stocking your freezer, and you'll stress less about meal time.
Asthma May Be Linked to Shingles Risk
from WebMD Health
5 Things to Know About Your New Hand Blender — Tool Tips from The Kitchn
An immersion, hand, or stick blender is one of those small kitchen appliances we can't live without. It helps purée oh-so-smooth soups, and we can even make homemade mayonnaise with it. Plus, it's just plain fun to use! While it's a pretty straightforward gadget to operate, here are a few more unexpected things it can do and some tips for optimal blending.
Our Best Freezer-Friendly Recipes of 2015 — Recipes from The Kitchn
When we think of convenience in the kitchen, we are often thinking of cooking from the pantry or using the blessed slow cooker, but the freezer is a resource for smarter cooking in its own right. No matter what meal you're making, there's a way to utilize the freezer to your benefit. Smoothies and breakfast sandwiches become weekday affairs and company-worthy pork chop dinners deliver the ultimate convenience. They go from freezer to slower cooker — minimal prep required.
fudgy bourbon balls
On Making (and Keeping!) New Year's Resolutions
from Psychology Today - Relationships
A Bloody Mary Burger to Cure Tomorrow's Hangover — Delicious Links
If you're planning on hitting the bubbly hard tonight, do yourself a favor and grab all the ingredients for this Bloody Mary burger today. You'll be so glad you did when you wake up tomorrow (at noon, no doubt) craving something indulgent to ease your hangover symptoms.
10 Ways to Be a Better Host in 2016 — The Kitchn's Best of 2015
If it's not something you do often, or if you didn't grow up in a household where your family hosted dinners or parties, inviting people into your home can be daunting. We put a lot of pressure on ourselves when hosting, but there are a few tricks to learn that can make everything run more smoothly. Here's our best advice for making 2016 the year of the dinner party.