
Saturday, March 31, 2018

Blueberry Beet Pancakes (Vegan)

This recipe is a riff on my favorite vegan oatmeal pancakes, they're accented with blueberries, and boosted with beet juice. The beet juice is what makes the pancakes the beautiful pink color you see. These pancakes are hearty, substantial, delicious, and kid-friendly. especially when you dust them with cinnamon-sugar straight out of the pan, churro style.

Blueberry Beet Pancakes

I use fresh beet juice, made with a juicer. If you're out of luck on the juicer front, play around with other concentrated juices you might have access to. Wayne has a carrot-turmeric juice he likes to buy on occasion (Trader Joe's, I think?), and that's a great alternative.

Blueberry Beet Pancakes

Once you have the batter made, you can refrigerate it for up to a few days. The resulting pancakes aren't quite as good as when you cook them immediately, but they are pretty fantastic for a quick mid-week breakfast.

Blueberry Beet Pancakes

Blueberry Beet Pancakes

Blueberry Beet Pancakes

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101 Cookbooks

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Lime Leaf Miso Soup

One of my favorite ingredients is makrut lime. I use the leaves constantly. I would use the rind as well, but our tree hasn't put off any fruit...yet. The flavor and fragrance of this lime varietal is completely distinctive, and there isn't really a comparable substitute. So, what I'm saying is - keep your eyes peeled for the knobby little limes, and the leaves when you're shopping. Then stock up. You can freeze both for later use. And, when you do have some leaves? Get cracking on this miso soup. The base is an incredibly aromatic dynamic lime leaf broth punctuated with lemongrass, lots of garlic, ginger, and serrano chile. It's my favorite broth right now.

Lime Leaf Miso Soup

I use the leaves in everything! In stir-fries, rice bowls and risottos. I fry the shredded leaves in a splash of oil and toss them with toasted almonds, cashews, or peanuts. I shred them as finely as possible, and add them to leafy salads. Find them, and use them in everything. I feel like people often get hung up on just using these limes in specific recipes. Shift into using them as a favorite seasoning / flavor. I mean, even on certain sandwiches!

Lime Leaf Miso Soup

Last suggestion! Make this cauliflower soup, and use the lime leaf broth as the liquid - it's incredible!

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101 Cookbooks

Saturday, March 17, 2018

Sunshine Pad Thai (Vegetarian)

Pad thai is nearly always a crowd-pleaser. It's the sort of food that's good, even when it's bad. I mean, everyone loves a noodle-based stir-fry. Also, all the gluten-free people can get on board, because, rice noodles. Today's recipe is the riff on pad thai I've been making lately - combining a Thai heart and a California spirit. Hot water is traditionally used to soften the rice noodles. I boost that water with lots of turmeric and the noodles drink it up until they glow a hot yellow. Also, this typically ends up being a one-dish meal for us, and I can't help but add a significant green component. Enter broccolini.

Sunshine Pad Thai (Vegetarian)

Like any other stir fry, you want to have all your ingredients prepped, and your noodles soaked before you fire up the burner. Once you start cooking, things go down fast. For this recipe I have you cook the broccolini first, remove it from the pan, and then proceed with the recipe. One pan meal.

Sunshine Pad Thai (Vegetarian)

The other wild card here is in relation to the bean sprouts. Sometimes, none of the stores within walking distance of my house have them, or they are sad looking. I substitute dice celery, which I actually love - lots of crunch and flavor! Hope you enjoy!

Sunshine Pad Thai (Vegetarian)

Sunshine Pad Thai (Vegetarian)

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101 Cookbooks

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Seven Magic Sauces you Should Know About

What is a magic sauce? It's a simple sauce you can use a hundred different ways. And you should absolutely have one or two in your repertoire! Here are a handful of the best.

1. Original Magic Sauce - (101 Cookbooks)
This was the first magic sauce I posted. I called it magic sauce, in part because it makes everything it touches shimmy with deliciousness. It's magic like that. Technically, it's a riff on a chimichurri sauce - but one that has veered off the rails in a big way. Get the recipe here.

Seven Magic Sauces you Should Know About

2. Magic Ancho Chile Relish - (101 Cookbooks)
This Ancho Chile Relish brings the fast magic - adding depth, raisiny-chile flavor, color, and dimension to all sorts of simple preparations. Perfect swirled into soups, dolloped onto tacos, or to punctuate yogurt. Get the recipe here.

Seven Magic Sauces you Should Know About

3. Green Kitchen Stories' Magic Green Sauce - (Green Kitchen Stories)
Just yes to this. Avocado and herbs with a bit of chile and garlic make this crazy versatile. And look at what they do with it - a stunner of a watermelon & Halloumi Salad. Gorgeous. Get the recipe here.

Seven Magic Sauces you Should Know About

4. Magic Artichoke Dipping Sauce - (Platings & Pairings)
It's the season for artichokes. Tripling down with mustard, lemon and garlic powder make this simple dipping sauce a stand-out. Get the recipe here.

Seven Magic Sauces you Should Know About

5. Walnut Olive Miso Magic Sauce - (101 Cookbooks)
A chunky, walnut olive miso creation worthy of its name. You combine toasted walnuts, olives, miso, a dusting of oregano, and a dollop of tahini into a blockbuster condiment of sorts. Get the recipe here.

Seven Magic Sauces you Should Know About

6. Red Pesto - (101 Cookbooks)
This red pesto is also magic. I make walnut-studded sauce and cast sun-dried tomatoes in the role basil typically plays. Flavor-forward, intense, and delicious. If this isn't your jam, here is more pesto inspiration. Get the recipe here.

Seven Magic Sauces you Should Know About

7. 5-minute Magic Green Sauce - (Pinch of Yum)
Lindsay's jalapeño and herb spiked magic sauce bringing up another option on the green side of things. Get the recipe here.

Seven Magic Sauces you Should Know About

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101 Cookbooks

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Spicy Instant Pot Taco Soup

This is a recipe for the laziest nights. No joke. If you can bring yourself to chop an onion, along with a couple cloves of garlic - the rest of this taco soup creation is dump-and-stir. And it's delicious! Here's the deal - you can make it in an Instant Pot. You can make it on a conventional stovetop. It's also occurring to me that it's probably a perfect slow cooker stew as well.

Spicy Instant Pot Taco Soup Recipe

The soup? It is a hearty melding of beans, and corn, and taco spices, and quinoa. I bring the creaminess and crunch factor in via the toppings - toasted pepitas for the later, ripe avocado, and a dollop of yogurt for the creamy.

Spicy Instant Pot Taco Soup Recipe

For reference, this is the Instant Pot I used for this recipe: Instant Pot DUO Plus 6 Qt 9-in-1

Spicy Instant Pot Taco Soup Recipe

If case you're interested, here is where all the Instant Pot recipes live.

Spicy Instant Pot Taco Soup Recipe

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101 Cookbooks