
Thursday, July 31, 2014

On Finding the Right Partner

How does one find the right partner?

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from Relationships


Keys to a Happy Marriage After PPD

Compromising is another way of saying you prefer to behave in ways that are more effective in the long run, than triumphant in the heat of the moment.

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from Relationships


Some Jobs Harder on the Heart Than Others, Report Finds

But having to search for work may be just as stressful, unhealthy, researchers add

from WebMD Health


The weirdest breakfast ever

(and that one time I had to ride in an ambulance. Please skip this post if you’re squeamish, like yours truly.) Hi Hope you’re all having a wonderful day. I’m typing this with one hand because we I had a little incident today. It all started with this weird breakfast […]

from The Fitnessista


The BEST Run, Eat and Repeat from July!

Hola! I am spending some quality time on a tomato farm today. It’s gorgeous and informative and delicious all rolled up in a one. La-la-love. But, I only have a 30 minute break before I have to meet back up with the team so I wanted to stop in for a quick hello and fill […]

The post The BEST Run, Eat and Repeat from July! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat


CDC Issues Travel Warning as West Africa Ebola Outbreak Worsens

Agency also plans to send 50 more experts to the affected countries

from WebMD Health


There's No Ebola Cure, But Early Intensive Treatment Boosts Survival

Virus launches assault on multiple organs, keeping patients hydrated is often key, experts say

from WebMD Health


What Are Some Satisfying Pureed Soups to "Eat" on a Liquid Diet? — Good Questions

Q: I just got this major jaw surgery and can't eat anything. Chewing is not an option. I have a large apparatus in my mouth that will only let me pour things into my mouth, can't even use a straw.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

Does Forgiveness Have a Dark Side?

Research suggests that forgiveness has many psychological benefits, but can it make you more likely to get hurt again?

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from Relationships


Do Men Avoid Romantic Commitment?

Men are stereotyped as avoiding—even as fearing—romantic commitment. But is this stereotype accurate? Do women desire marriage, children, and love more than men? Should men avoid romantic entrapment—are they perhaps better-off single? This article reviews the evidence on gender differences in desired commitment, family aspirations, and well-being in marriage.

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from Relationships


Cultivating Gratitude

When someone offers us a compliment or expresses appreciation, how far do we let it in? When we express thanks, do we stay in our heads or allow ourselves to relish a more deeply felt sense of gratitude--allowing them to see how we've been affected? Sadly, we often let precious moments of connection pass by without availing ourselves of a rich moment of intimacy.

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from Relationships


Done by James Peterson — New Cookbook

The angle: A visual and technical guidebook to knowing precisely when food is finished cooking.

Recipes for right now: Omelet, Roasted Peppers, Steamed Zucchini, Risotto, Steamed Mussels, Grilled Tuna Steak, Grilled Porterhouse, Fried Chicken, Buttercream Frosting, Caramel, Berry Pie, Brownies

Who would enjoy this book? Cooks who crave precision in the kitchen.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

15 Delicious Ways to Get Your Fill of Sweet Summer Corn — Recipes from The Kitchn

I've been waiting patiently (ok, maybe not so patiently) for this moment all summer. I'm talking about the arrival of sweet summer corn!

Whether it's boiled, grilled or even microwaved, there's no doubt about it, corn on the cob is a total summer staple. To help you get the most out of this summer's fresh corn haul, we've got 15 corn-filled recipes you'e got to try.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

7 Small, Stylish Eating Spots — Apartment Therapy

From Apartment Therapy → 7 Small, Stylish Eating Spots

Still need inspiration on how to fit a spot for eating into your small space? We found seven solutions that not only work in small homes, but they're actually quite simple, stylish ideas that anyone could use.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

An Easy Way to Work on Your Pan Flip Technique — Culinary School Diaries

Culinary School: Week 4 (of 12 weeks)

Last Week's Diary: Culinary School Makes Me Wonder Why I Refrigerate My Eggs

The difference between a chef and an amateur, according to my instructor in culinary school, are all in the small details: keeping your place clean, having good mise en place, washing all your vegetables correctly. All that good stuff. When you're racing around trying to finish a recipe before the end of class (or service), it's the small things that are compromised, but end up being so important.

A small detail I've been trying to work on is mastering my pan flip technique in order to save time and get things perfectly browned in the sauté pan. My instructor taught me this simple trick to perfect this kitchen essential.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

blueberry crumb cake

Blueberry Crumb Cake Adapted from Maida Heatter’s Book of Great Desserts There are several things about this cake that always stand out to me. First, while most cakes of this size use a quarter pound of butter, plus an additional quarter or eighth for the crumb, this uses half and you don’t notice any missing. […] smitten kitchen

Recipe: Apricot Breakfast Pie — Recipes from The Kitchn

Years back, I found myself in Italy with quite a lot of apricots. In Florence, I bought a very generous kilo of fresh, ripe apricots from a little farm stall on the Piazza Santo Spirito. My daughter and I ate quite a few of them as we strolled around the city. Then we had some for breakfast the next day, then a couple more in the rental car as we made our way down to Chianti, where we would stay another week with friends and where I would finally get my hands into a kitchen.

That left us with over a pound of apricots (a kilo is 2.2 pounds) and by now they were bruised, oozy and brown, and definitely past their prime for munching. The only thing to do was to make pie.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

What to do when life isn't fair

You can learn an unexpected lesson about fairness from the Inuit.

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from Relationships


The Big Reveal Vote Is Over: Stay Tuned for the Grand Prize Winner! — The Big Reveal 2014

And with that, it's a wrap! All voting for The Big Reveal has now concluded. Thanks to everyone who participated in the contest! Tomorrow we'll announce which of the four finalists got the most 'favorites' in this final round, and is our Grand Prize winner! Stay tuned — you won't want to miss it!


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

The 7 Best Values in Domestic Sparkling Wine — Wine for All

When we mention sparkling wine, many of us immediately think of toasting in the new year or splurging on a pricey bottle for a celebration. Well, I am here to let you know that sparkling wine is not limited to Champagne or special occasions, and it doesn’t have to break the bank.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

The Diet Soda Debate

Recent studies fail to provide solid answers on benefits or drawbacks.

from WebMD Health


Cholesterol Drugs May Speed Healing After Surgery

Statin therapy may affect inflammatory response and help wounds recover, researchers say

from WebMD Health


Even Thinking an Odor is Harmful May Spur Asthma Symptoms

Study finds people's negative expectations can play a role in flare-ups

from WebMD Health


To The Cheese Caves! Where French Comté Goes To Age — Comté Cheese Tour

We've talked about the milk used to make Comté and we've talked about how that milk is turned into cheese. Now we're at the end of the journey: the mighty cheese caves, where rounds of Comté are aged for anywhere from four months to several years. Walking into the affineur, I was struck by two things: the pungent, earthy aroma of gracefully aging Comté and the floor to ceiling vista of nothing but cheese. Cheese as far as the eye could see. This was heaven.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes