Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Third Trimester Faves
from The Fitnessista
Hypergamy Knows Best
Is Dance Religious?
from Psychology Today - Relationships
Gas-lighting: Burning the Bridges of Truth
from Psychology Today - Relationships
Gratitude as Science: 4 Paths Lead to Love and Happiness
from Psychology Today - Relationships
How Do You Know It’s Working?
Hello! How’s it going? Yesterday I had what felt like a good workout at the gym. But I feel like I don’t know for sure if I got in a good workout until the next day… you know when you open your eyes and slide outta bed and BOOM. You think to yourself “shit I […]
The post How Do You Know It’s Working? appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.
from Run Eat Repeat
2 Experimental Drugs Offer Hope Against Psoriasis: Studies
from WebMD Health
Gut Bacteria Tied to Asthma Risk in Kids
from WebMD Health
'Placebo Effect' Might Help Predict Response to Depression Treatment
from WebMD Health
The 11 Best Apps for Newlyweds
Use Your Phone for Your New Marriage!
This Diva Central EXCLUSIVE post is perfect for newlyweds who love a good app! We have 11 awesome apps that will help newly married couples establish great habits in everything from communication to fitness.
image_url="; description="Love these apps! I didn’t even think about using some of these for my marriage!;]
Diva Central is the one place online that’s dedicated to YOUR marriage, where you will find exclusive information tailored to YOUR specific relationship needs, with ideas, advice, and TIPS galore. When you become a full member of Diva Central, we’ll deliver this full post plus all the printables you see below! You’ll also gain access to many other exclusive posts, articles, printables, and more that are created with your marriage in mind! You get all of this for only $9.97 per month. If you want to join or simply try it out, get started for FREE with our Diva Central 7 Day Love Quest Challenge – just click the link at the bottom of this post!
We’ve provided 11 of the Best Apps for Newlyweds for you and your spouse to use as soon as you’re back from that honeymoon!
In this post round-up you will find apps that:
- Help both of you meet your fitness goals.
- Bring out your inner child with fun games.
- Focus on your communication skills.
- Write out and help hold your goals as a couple accountable.
Head on over to our EXCLUSIVE Diva Central Community! Not only will you get access to this awesome post, but to so many others! Unlike our popular website,, this community is for members-only and features high-interest content that was made for our amazing readers.
Make sure you check out other great posts such as our 365 Love Text Messages, Video Message for Your Spouse, or you can skip the phone and go with a window message. Enjoy these apps as you start out on your brand new marriage!
Already a Diva Central Community member? Click HERE for the full post.
Sign up for a FREE trial of Diva Central today to get our 7 Day Love Quest Challenge! Once you become a full member for just $9.97 a month, you'll have access to the gorgeous post you see.
Start your 11 BEST APPS FOR NEWLYWEDS adventure with your spouse TODAY!
The post The 11 Best Apps for Newlyweds appeared first on The Dating Divas.
from The Dating Divas
Detection and Mangement of Depression and Biploar Disease
from Psychology Today - Relationships
Build Your Nest Together
from Psychology Today - Relationships
How to Break Up with Someone Compassionately and Effectively
from Psychology Today - Relationships
6 Ways to Find Awe in Your Everyday Life
from Psychology Today - Relationships
5 Techniques for Using Food as Decor Inspiration — Apartment Therapy
From Apartment Therapy → 5 Delicious Ways to Use Food as Decor Inspiration
Can I Sand My Cutting Board to Get Rid of Rough Edges? — Good Questions
Q: I recently bought a beautiful handmade cutting board at my local farmers market. They mentioned that they had only oiled it a couple of times and that I should do it again when I got it home, but otherwise it was ready to go. I oiled it and let it sit for a day and then started using it.
What’s the Difference Between Condensed and Evaporated Milk? — Ingredient Intelligence
Until recently I was constantly confusing evaporated and condensed milk, especially at the grocery store when trying to remember which one a recipe called for. It didn't help that the cans look nearly identical. The differences are small, but they can have a big impact on your recipe.
Do you know the difference between condensed and evaporated milk?
9 Helpful Strategies for Cooking for Picky Eaters — Reader Intelligence Report
If you've ever had a picky eater in the family, you know first-hand just how frustrating mealtime can be. Figuring out how to get around those food aversions and make mealtime an enjoyable experience can prove trickier than walking a tightrope.
It turns out that many of you are all too familiar with this. Here are your nine most helpful strategies for cooking for picky eaters.
Banana Peels Are the Best Thing You Aren't Eating — Surprising Food News
We eat apple peels and peach skin — why not banana peels, too? According to Business Insider, banana peels contain some really great vitamins and nutrients that we're just throwing in the compost. Blend them up in smoothies! Bake until crispy! Or heck, just eat them along with the banana.
More Than 670 Illnesses Reported in Latest Salmonella Outbreak
from WebMD Health
Kids May Be More Likely to Get Asthma if Grandma Smoked While Pregnant: Study
from WebMD Health
Recipe: Stuffed Chicken Breasts with Grapes, Hazelnuts, and Parmesan — Easy Dinner Recipes from The Kitchn
I love stuffing chicken breasts. I've given you my recipe for roasted chicken breasts stuffed with goat cheese and fresh garlic, one of my favorites, and I consider this one a fall-inspired version. The technique is easy, with a big wow payoff, and I love the combination of a simple, buttery skin with a complex filling.
The sweet, salty, nutty mess that spreads out over your plate as you eat is pure perfection.
Why We Love to Hate Politicians
from Psychology Today - Relationships
The Kitchn Cure Day 18: Cookbooks, Cooking Magazines, Art & Other Embellishments — The Kitchn Cure 2015
The Kitchn Cure Day 18: Organize cookbooks, magazines, and art.
Join The Kitchn Cure: Sign up and see all The Kitchn Cure assignments
It's a self-evident truth that despite a universal purpose and functionality, not all kitchens look the same. In some cases, not even remotely the same. Depending on your style, your kitchen might resemble a sleek laboratory or an IKEA catalog. Or maybe it's closer to art gallery or a preschool classroom or a vintage jumble shop. No matter. If you can't let your freak flag (or your not-freak flag) fly in your own kitchen, then by gosh this is no longer the United States of America!
Today's Cure is all about taking care of the little extras we add to our kitchen to help make it our own. Oh and while we're at it, let's look at our cookbooks and recipe organization.
Life in the Kitchen After a Cancer Diagnosis: A Conversation with Baking Blogger Lyndsay Sung — Life in the Kitchen
Lyndsay Sung ended 2014 on a high note. She had a happy family, a successful baking blog called Coco Cake Land, a large and devoted following on Instagram — where she posted photos of the whimsical, adorable cakes she baked for friends and family — and a brand-new book deal. She and her pink KitchenAid mixer were ready to take over the world, one cute cake at a time.
Then, in January, she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She is only 38 years old.
The Opposite of Addiction is Connection
from Psychology Today - Relationships
Less Sleep May Mean Less Sex After Menopause
from WebMD Health
More Than 670 Illnesses Reported in Latest Salmonella Outbreak
from WebMD Health
Ryan Hall’s Molten Lava Cocoa Teff Pancake Recipe
from Fitbit Blog
8 Vacation Rentals with Kitchens I'd Love to Cook In — Travel Inspiration
One of my favorite things about staying in vacation rentals this past summer was getting to cook in unfamiliar kitchens. There's just something so fun and challenging about exploring and navigating a new cooking space.
Inspired by my recent travels, I took a look at the rental options in a bunch of the cities on my to-visit list to find kitchens I wouldn't mind cooking a meal or two in. They might not be the most stunning, flawlessly designed kitchens in the entire world, but they'd still offer up a sense of novelty.
Added Calcium May Not Help Older Bones: Studies
from WebMD Health
Recipe: Chicken Chile Enchiladas — Freezer Recipes from The Kitchn
Sometimes I feel a little guilty. Because I work from home, I can have nachos for dinner every night if I want, while I send my husband off to work with something a little more sensible and microwaveable. (Note: This doesn't happen.) We save our nacho-fests for nights when we're together (preferably also in the company of some good beers and a good baseball game); for regular weeknight meals, Dan gets his Tex-Mex fix with these chicken enchiladas.
Avocado Chicken Salad
The concept is simple—a quick, basic chicken salad that uses mashed avocado as a binder instead of the more traditional mayonnaise.
That was my idea as I set out to repeat the success we had with our Avocado Tuna Salad. It would be a “sequel” of sorts, hopefully a sequel more like Toy Story 2 (brilliant!) than the second Bridget Jones (yikes).
Nailed it! At least I think so. You will be the final judge. Jicama for a Twist on French Fries — Swap It Out
If I had to pick one food to eat for the rest of my life, it would be French fries. I love everything about them — the crisp crunch, the shape, and, most importantly, the “dip-ability.”
But as I’m sure you already know, French fries aren’t exactly on the top of the superfood list. And while they are super easy to make at home, with or without oil, I’m always on the lookout for other options that maintain the virtues of a good fried spud, with the added benefits of quicker cooking times and more healthful ingredients — options like eggplant fries, baked sweet potato fries, and now — jicama fries.
Streamlining the dinner routine with Blue Apron
from The Fitnessista
Lyric Love Notes
Love Notes for ANY Occasion!
Have you ever had that song on the radio that instantly takes you back to a place, a specific memory, you can picture everything about the moment because of the song?! I LOVE songs like that! You can relate to them, you have people tied to them and you have emotions about them! Those are the BEST kinds of songs! I know that when "our" song comes on the radio I am instantly taken back to the moment he first told me that he loved me! SO many great thoughts, and a lifetime of love are wrapped up in that song!
image_url="; description="Beautiful, free love notes with the lyrics of your favorite love songs! Your spouse will LOVE these!;]
SO.... going along with that theme, we have created for you 4 beautiful Lyric Love Notes that are sure to work for ANY occasion! Anniversary, birthday or just a little 'I love you', these will work for them all!!
The amazingly talented Kensie with Kensie Kate Designs totally rocked these beautiful printables! I mean the girl is SERIOUSLY talented!!
PLUS, not only do you get 4 AMAZING cards we have also created a beyond beautiful envelope to tuck them each inside of!
I mean REALLY!?! What else could you ask for? Snatch up your free printable pack today and print these beauties off so that you have them on hand for your honey!
I know my hubby would LOVE if I attached one of these to something like this, or maybe even this! He would most definitely know that I loved him and had been thinking about him that day!!! :)
Lyric Love Note Printable Pack
Print these beauties off NOW!!! :)
Looking for even MORE love note ideas? Check out these over the top amazing Diva posts!
The post Lyric Love Notes appeared first on The Dating Divas.
from The Dating Divas