
Friday, July 22, 2016

10 Ways Our Readers Treat Themselves — Reader Intelligence Report

It's the little things in life that can have the biggest impact. It might be something material (a special tea pot or a scented candle that makes your home smell like the beach), or something edible (a really good glass of wine at the end of the day, perhaps, or that dark chocolate bar that cost $12 but is totally worth every penny). It might also be something less tangible, like saying no to social invitations and indulging in a Gilmore Girls marathon.

This week, we asked our readers to share how they treat themselves and we're sharing the best ideas with you here (and taking notes for our own "me" moments).

Here are 10 ways our readers treat themselves.

1. Fresh Flowers

Buying fresh flowers always feels like the best treat, even when its a $5 bouquet from Trader Joes. I like to take one of two flowers and put them in a small vase by my bed. Makes it that much more lovely. - AngKnox

2. Homemade Cookies

During winter, when I have had a hard day and have had to shovel snow a lot, I tend to bake four perfect chocolate chip cookies (two each for me and my BF) and eat them with a tall frosty glass of milk while watching Netflix. - RoxG

I often freeze cookie dough when making cookies, anywhere between 2 and 6. When I'm having a rough day or just need a treat I pop those in the oven and have fresh baked cookies, which are the ultimate luxury. - AngKnox

3. A New Cookbook

One of my favorite treats to myself is to go book shopping and buy a new cookbook. Today I bought one on making eclairs, profiteroles, and cream puffs. - Twistie

4. Home Spa Time

A luxurious night routine. I dream of having a morning routine but there's never enough time! So instead, I give myself the half hour before bed to unwind while still "getting something done". I'll make a cup of tea, put on some music or my current audiobook, and enjoy a super relaxing (and thorough) face washing/flossing/eyebrow tweezing session while really enjoying that "me time". Bonus points if I have a face mask handy. - Cat Power

5. Proper Tea (and Victorian Drama)

[I] indulge myself by making a couple delicious little baked treats, a small plate of cucumber sandwiches, and a lovely pot of tea and sitting down to watch a movie based on Jane Austen or a victorian novel and nibble and sip. Nothing like serving oneself a proper tea while giggling at the antics of the Bennet sisters or dabbing one's eye with a lace-edged hankie at Jane Eyre's trials and tribulations. - Twistie

6. Outdoor Time (Followed by Ice Cream)

During the summer, I relish the moment after working in our yard, gardening or going for a run, when I make myself a small ice cream cone with my homemade ice cream. - RoxG

7. Me Time (with Treats)

I have a large family, so between that and going to college classes during the week, I felt for awhile like I was dying for some alone time to myself. Good food always makes me happy, so my favorite thing to do is to go down to one of our local coffee shops and get a fresh smoothie, and just drink it down and forget the stress of the day at school. One day I even went and bought myself a personal-sized pizza from a nice restaurant and ate it outside, enjoying the weather. Another day I got a scoop of lemon cookie ice cream from a local shop. These little indulgences are what help me to get through a hectic, stressful week. - MaryBakes

8. A Clean House (and Sheets)

I like to clean the entire house, scrubbed top to bottom, followed by a long shower and a sheet mask. There's nothing better than a shower in a perfectly cleaned bathroom! - AbbyRules
Going to bed in clean sheets is a treat. - RoxG

9. Breakfast for Dinner

It's just after dark and I've finished my exercise for the day. I pop into the kitchen, grab a breakfast burrito from the freezer, pop it in the microwave for 2 minutes, and stretch while it reheats. The breakfast burritos always taste perfect because I make them for myself every weekend, from scratch. Homemade tortillas, potatoes O'Brien, chorizo sausage, lightly scrambled egg. I make myself eight of them (I've got it down to about 35 minutes with the miracle of multitasking), then freeze them individually in little freezer containers that I reuse.

I know a lot of people like something cool and sweet after exercising, like a smoothie (or pint of Ben & Jerry's, I don't judge), but I essentially get comfort food that packs plenty of what I need to recharge. It's warm and lightly spicy and creamy and savory and doughy. It's just a little treat for myself, a reward for a job well done, and for the rest of the evening I feel satiated. - Willravel

10. Communal Cake

Every year for my birthday, I bake cake and pie and share it with anyone who happens to come by. I know that doesn't sound like much of a treat to oneself to most people, but when I see the looks on their faces when they taste what I've baked, it does me as much good as a day at the spa does for some people. Besides, if I didn't do it, I would never get a birthday cake! That would stink. - Twistie

Have our readers inspired you to take some me time with treats or to bake something sweet and share it with friends?

The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

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