
Monday, July 25, 2016

Birthday Party Crafting and Summer Fun

Well this past weekend sure passed by in a flash, huh? I’m not sure how that always seems to happen, but Saturday and Sunday need to s-l-o-w down a bit! We managed to cram our fair share of fun, productivity, relaxation and quality time with friends into the past few days and since I’m trying to get this blog post up before Chase wakes up this morning, I better start diving into my recap riiiight now!


Our weekend began with his and hers workout split up between hanging out at home with Chase and Sadie. When it was my turn do sweat it out, I headed to Burn Boot Camp for a cardio workout. Ryan took Sadie and Chase out for a walk when I left for the gym and once my workout was complete, I checked my phone and saw I had a message from Ryan to come pick everyone up at a local park. Apparently Sadie stepped on a wasp during their walk and was licking her paw like crazy and understandably refusing to put any pressure on it.

I had flashbacks to our Sadie in a Stroller Adventure (<- still one of the most ridiculous things we’ve done with our dog and that’s saying something!) and quickly drove to pick up my little family.

Well, wouldn’t you know that the moment Sadie saw me, she forgot all about her injured paw and ran right over, wagging her tail and looking happy as can be.

Sadie Fetch

Of course.

By the time we all made it home, Chase was ready for his morning nap and while he rested, I started organizing everything I have for Chase’s birthday party to take inventory to see what sort of things we still need for his party next weekend. I also finally got around to completing a few birthday-related craft projects I’ve had on my radar, including painting the numbers O-N-E with a mint green acrylic paint I found at Target.

ONE Mint Green Letters

While I was in the backyard painting away, I got a text from my friend Lauren inviting our family to join her and her family at their neighborhood pool for some afternoon swimming. Once Chase was up and we were all lathered in sunscreen, we headed out to join Lauren, Tony and Claire for some fun in the sun!

Pool Time

Ryan is in charge of Chase’s evening bath in our house and I feel like he has a special way with Chase in the water. Chase seems to have the best time kicking around and splashing with his dad whenever they’re in the pool or lake together, so I think all that bath time bonding is really paying off! Of course Ryan couldn’t resist teaching Chase how to dunk on the pool basketball hoop which had everyone laughing because every time they’d approach the net, Chase would grab onto the rim of the hoop with a killer grip and not let go.

Both Chase and Claire have similar napping schedules but the babies seemed very entertained on Saturday so we ended up at the pool for almost an hour longer than anticipated which was a treat! It was great to spend the afternoon with friends and enjoy some time outside without sweating to death.

Eventually we knew Chase needed his nap, so we said our goodbyes and headed home for afternoon naptime. I spent Chase’s second nap of the day showering and making my way through more party-related prep and by the time Chase was up again, Ryan and I accumulated a small list of things we needed from Lowe’s and Target for next weekend, so we all piled into my car and drove off to run some early evening errands.

Before heading home, we stopped by Jimmy John’s to grab sandwiches to go and ate them while playing with Chase in the living room before he was ready for bed.

Jimmy John's Beach Club

After nursing Chase and putting him down for the night (and by “for the night” I mean until he woke up for an evening feed since he’s been back to eating in the night again…), I joined Ryan on the couch for a rockin’ Saturday night that included ice cream and Bloodline on Netflix.

The Tonight Dough Ben & Jerry's

I promise to stop talking about Bloodline soon but holy cow this show is intense!!! (Danny makes my blood boil like no other. UGH. He is infuriating.)


Sunday morning began with coffee, waffles, meal planning, chores and baby playtime before we headed out on a short walk.


Chase was ready for his nap after our walk and while he slept, Ryan tackled pressure washing our backyard patio while I got to work in the kitchen, prepping food for the week ahead. 

Healthy Frittata

After forgetting about my vegetable chopper for a few months, I found it when I was putting our blender away the other day and am happy to have it back in my life for Sunday food prep since chopping veggies is my least favorite cooking task (aside from doing the dishes).

Chase’s naptime flew by as it always seems to do and once our little man was up and ready for playtime, we decided to spend the afternoon on the boat. We picked up some snacks at CVS (still loving their curbside pickup service!) and headed out for some lake time with Captain Sadie.

Dog Life Jacket on Boat

We sped out to a sandbar off a little island on Lake Norman and dropped the anchor before splashing around in the shallow water with Chase and Sadie.

Dog Lake Norman

It was such a great way to spend the afternoon. Any time we can spend a few hours on the water, I’m all for it!

Julie Sadie Boat

Once we made it back home, Chase went down for a solid two-hour afternoon nap (bless post-pool or lake time naps!) and while I meant to spend this time being productive and getting a jumpstart on today’s blog post, my brain felt like mush and I opted to shower and then chill on the couch and take in another episode of Bloodline with Ryan instead. (I told you we are ALL IN.)

Eventually 4 p.m. rolled around and Chase was up again and we had plans to attend a very special little girl’s first birthday party!

first birthday party presents

First Birthday Party Decorated High Chair

Claire is one of Chase’s baby BFFs and was born four days before him at the very same hospital. Her mom Lauren has quickly become a wonderful friend to me and we were thrilled to celebrate such a special day with everyone!

Julie Chase

(Chase was clearly pumped about the cups of Cheerios they had available for the babies at the party!) 

Cheerios on Blanket

Claire’s party was a hot one (it was almost 100 degrees outside on Sunday), but thankfully the park provided a lot of shade for the little ones and we had a great time chatting away with friends and singing “Happy Birthday” to the sweet birthday girl.

Smash Cake and Flower Crown First Birthday

How cute is Claire’s flower crown!?! Love!

Lauren Tony Claire

Claire's Bday Party

We stayed at Claire’s party until Chase’s bedtime crept up and we had to head home to put our little man to bed.

You’ll never guess how we spent the rest of our Sunday – Yep, more Bloodline. Can’t stop!! Isn’t that how it always goes with Netflix shows!?

I hope you guys had a great weekend and that your Monday is a good one. Thanks so much for stopping by the blog today!

The post Birthday Party Crafting and Summer Fun appeared first on Peanut Butter Fingers.

from Peanut Butter Fingers

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