
Sunday, May 31, 2015

Walking a 5K on the Pacific Ocean

Hello! Today I was all over the place – literally. We woke up somewhere on the Pacific Ocean, I walked a 5K on the deck of a ship then went to Canada. Ha! So much packed into one day. I love it. Princess Cruises and the On Deck for the Cure Foundation coordinate a 5K […]

The post Walking a 5K on the Pacific Ocean appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Happiness With Life 9: Making Friends With Death

Death can be your friend or your enemy. If you fear your death, you will create for yourself anguish and dread. If you embrace it as something you are inevitably moving toward, you use it to spur yourself to exult in each day as if it were your last.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

The Divas Need YOU : Now Seeking 10 Couples!

Reclaim Divorce Proof Your Marriage Program

Reclaim Your Marriage Program

Reclaim Your Marriage
Divorce-Proof Your Relationship
In Just 10 Weeks!

We are on the hunt for couples to be part of our exclusive pre-release group for the Reclaim Your Marriage Program!

Marriage Program

The Divas have been around the ol' internet for a while now, and we love every minute of what we do. {And I mean LOVE, LOVE, LOVE what we do...honestly! We are the luckiest gals alive!}

For years, we've dedicated thousands and thousands of hours to helping our readers get more out of their marriage. As we grew and grew in our followers, stories began to pour in from all over the world from our readers, telling us about some of the things they struggled with in their marriage. We were humbled by the fact that our readers were turning to us, and we are able to help so, SO many marriages each and every day!

But... well... we kept noticing something.

We kept noticing that we would repeat ourselves over...and over...and over again. Sometimes, it felt like we were giving out the same advice! We immediately began to wonder..."How can we make sure EVERYONE knows what we know about how to make a marriage really work?"

So - the Reclaim Your Marriage Program was born! Inspired by our readers {AKA: YOU!}, their stories, and our own experiences in our marriages - we have been working for years to make this dream of ours a reality. The time has finally {FINALLY} come!

Divorce Proof your Marriage in 10 Weeks

We are almost ready to release the program to the world, but we want to make sure it's as amazing as we know it is first!

That's where YOU come in!

We are seeking couples who :
...thought marriage was just supposed to "work."
...are "treading water" to just make it to the next day.
...may be dealing with unresolved issues.
...feel disconnected in the daily blur of errands & to-do lists.
...think marriage counseling is not right for them.
...are unsure where to turn for help.

Interested? Keep on readin'!

Reclaim Your Marriage Today!

 Now Accepting
Pre-Release Program Applications!

The pre-release of the Reclaim Your Marriage Program is designed to help you overcome each and every one of those challenges! We are looking for 10 couples who are interested in giving Reclaim Your Marriage a try, as well as being super involved with reporting back to us with comments, success, or even problems that might pop up while you are using our AH-MAZING program {...if I do say so myself}. Also, we'd love to use some of your comments about the program for promoting sake, so you'd need to be okay with that too. Oh, and last {but definitely not least} - we need a cute pic of you and your spouse!

But wait...what is the Reclaim Your Marriage program, anyway?

We took a look at the 10 biggest problem-makers in marriage, and brainstormed empowering skills to help you handle those rough times with ease. We’ll guide you through tricky topics like Finances, Forgiveness, Communication, and...of course -  dates {OUR FAVE!} with videos, resources, engaging exercises, expert interviews, and WAY more. You and your spouse will be well on your way to Reclaiming Your Marriage together!

Happy Couple

We want to help you create your own dream marriage. YES, it's a possibility. Believe me when I say that. You CAN enjoy every day, and feel connected, solid, and have a bit of fun, too!

In return for helping us out, we will help you out, too! You and your spouse will get all the benefits of this amazing Program -  and save a serious bucket-load off of the full price! {Like...SERIOUS bucket-load}. Just take a look at what you'll get every single week!

  • Weekly emails
  • Weekly delivered video sessions with the Lead Diva herself, Tara Carson
  • Printables
  • Worksheets
  • Activities
  • Resources
  • Complete Program Materials Binder

and WAY more!

The Dollars-And-Cents:

When the Reclaim Your Marriage Program is released to the general public, the commitment is $97 per session (and worth every single stinkin' penny... trust me!)

Right now though, we are looking for couples willing to be a part of the selected pre-release group.The 10 selected couples will only pay $27 per week! {YEP - $70 of savings every single week!}

And that, my friends...could be YOU!

Happy Couple

The Benefits of The Program

If you've considered marriage counseling, but aren't sure if you're ready...then Reclaim Your Marriage is perfect for you! There are a ton of awesome benefits, like being a fraction of what private counseling would cost. PLUS, you can complete the entire Program in private...on your very own couch! WITH CHOCOLATE IN YOUR HAND! What could be better?!

PLUS, each week, we'll treat you to a new video with Tara, our Head Diva! She'll guide you two through each of these topics herself. At the end of the weekly session, you'll be given the printable assignment, and a TON of other awesome materials to guide you through that week.

But prepared! These are some pretty deep assignments. We designed them to address obvious and underlying concerns, that go through the ups-and-downs of your marriage; we want to tackle those tough issues HEAD ON!

So begin talking, begin connecting, and begin loving again. The rewards your marriage will reap by going through the program will both empower and strengthen you - and they make the investment totally worth it!

Results of Reclaim Your Marriage Program

Begin the Application Process

To get started, simply fill out the form below.  We'll send you an email with all the details, so you and your spouse can decide if this is the program for you! Good luck, we can't wait to share this program with you!

 Take your marriage from “Blah" to "Bliss” . . .TODAY!

The post The Divas Need YOU : Now Seeking 10 Couples! appeared first on The Dating Divas.

from The Dating Divas

How, Why and When To Move on After Divorce

Does your divorce recovery need a boost?

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Recipe: Chocolate Yogurt Ombré Popsicles — Dessert Recipes from The Kitchn

In the social circle of patterns, I am pretty sure ombré is Queen Bee — the Regina George, the Blair Waldorf, the Khaleesi. It is almost too cool for school. And I'm just a little polka dot hanging out with my striped and plaid farmer friends, because my heavens, I could never pull off ombré hair or an ombré garment. Ombré is reserved for the cool, edgy people that can get away with other edgy things.

But ombré cake! Ooh, that I could do. Ombré carrots! I could do that, too. Ombré popsicles! Yes, those I can definitely do. And so can you.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

Food of the Week: Carrots

The carrot can trace its ancestry back thousands of years, originally having been cultivated in central Asian and Middle Eastern countries, along with parts of Europe. These original carrots looked different from those that we are accustomed to ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

Recipe of the Week: Carrot Coconut Soup

The ginger and curry powder add great flavor to this easy-to-prepare soup. It's also rich in vitamin A and tastes great! ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

Ask George: What are the recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables to eat each day?

The USDA's Dietary Guidelines recommend adults eat anywhere from 5 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables per day, an amount we agree with and support. The USDA has set a serving size for vegetables to be equal to about one-half cup, except for ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

Best sources of Vitamin A

The term "vitamin A" makes it sound like there is one particular nutrient called "vitamin A," but that is not true. Vitamin A is a broad group of related nutrients. Each of these nutrients provides us with health benefits, but these benefits may be ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

From the kitchen: Tips for Preparing Carrots

Wash carrot roots and gently scrub them with a vegetable brush right before eating. Unless the carrots are old, thick or not grown organically, it is not necessary to peel them. If they are not organically grown, peel them; most all conventionally ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

Are there any unique nutrients in grains besides vitamins and minerals and fiber?

All plants contain phytonutrients or colored pigments that contribute to their disease protective and health-promoting properties. Grains are not an exception. For instance, the antioxidant flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol are plentiful in quinoa. ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

Is it healthy or possible to purchase raw cashews or is heating truly necessary to prevent health problems?

We recommend raw nuts for optimal nutrition. Roasting nuts at high temperatures can cause the healthy fats to oxidize, which would not be recommended for routine consumption. The majority of the cashews on the market have been steamed. This is ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

The Latest News About Carrots

Although carrots are available throughout the year, locally grown carrots are in season in the summer and fall when they are the freshest and most flavorful. Carrots belong to the Umbelliferae family, named after the umbrella-like flower clusters ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

Would something labeled as "green squash" be what is commonly called zucchini?

During the summer squash season, you'll generally find three types of summer squash, two of which can be green. Here are the details for the three types of summer squash. You can also learn more via this article on our website about Summer Squash ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

Someone I know eats mushrooms without cooking them. Is it a cause for concern to eat raw white button mushrooms?

We recommend Healthy Sauteing mushrooms for maximum flavor and nutrition; however, we do eat them raw occasionally as well. Healthy Sauteing does not significantly diminish the nutrient content. We are not aware of any ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

Which is healthier for you butter or margarine?

We actually feature an article on our website about margarine and butter that we'd like to share with you. What are the pros and cons of butter versus margarine? ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

Just watched a show that told us NOT to use cold pressed oils, especially canola. Any truth in this?

The best oils are cold pressed. The oil is obtained through pressing and grinding fruit or seeds with the use of heavy granite millstones or modern stainless steel presses, which are found in large commercial operations. Although pressing and ...

from The World's Healthiest Foods

15 Snacks to Stash in Your Purse — Recipes from The Kitchn

I used to giggle at the idea of purse snacks. I mean, only moms need them since they're on the go with kids, right? Wrong! I can't count the number of times I've been saved from dangerously low blood-sugar levels and the ensuing crankiness by scarfing down a snack that was stashed in my purse or bag.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

Murphy Update II

Oh, poor Murphy. I don’t even know where to begin… Well, the past couple of days have been rough. We were stressed. We were scared. We cried. We felt totally heartbroken. And there were a number of moments when we thought it might be time to say goodbye to our beloved pug. Afteri wrote my first Murphy update, things […]

from Carrots 'N' Cake

A Child is Being Beaten—Ever or Never?

Hannah Arendt (1906-1975) made famous the stark phrase “the banality of evil.” This complex idea connotes colossal destructiveness done by men of less than colossal character. The everyday pervasiveness of senseless cruelty---humankind’s inhumanity toward itself---makes it clear that the inclination of destructiveness is real. Effective parenting is primary prevention.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

12 Sweet and Savory Recipes for Smarter Snacking — Recipes from The Kitchn

I eat a lot of snacks throughout the week. Instead of trying to curb my habits, I embrace my love for snacks with open arms — with one caveat. I may snack often, but I make an effort to snack smart.

Whether you have a sweet tooth that doesn't quit or you prefer something on the savory side, these 12 recipes will put you on track for smarter afternoon snacking.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

10 Things From Our Saturday

IMG 16711.  Brooke used binoculars everywhere that we went for a solid chunk of the day.   2.  I hit up 10 miles on the treadmill (I think an average pace of 8:07).  I switched to my favorite treadmill once it was open at 55 minutes.  I found a quarter on my favorite treadmill so that was special.  I read The Girl on the Train for the entire run and I am hooked.  3.  Ate a Buffalo Chicken Tortilla salad while […]

from The Hungry Runner Girl

Saturday, May 30, 2015

How Many Times Around Makes One Mile?

Hello from somewhere off the coast of Alaska! Today is a whole day at sea. We’re on the way to Canada – the last stop before heading back to Seattle and finally home. I started the day with a short run on the treadmill and yoga class. The on board yoga is pretty easy (level […]

The post How Many Times Around Makes One Mile? appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Social Media Cannot Fix 'Being Alone'...Nor Should It

Being alone is not the same as loneliness, and it could be good for you.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Trust Your Gut If You Think He's Lying

Fleeting expressions can indicate hidden emotions; and you can learn to see them.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Mommy Cliques: 7 Ways to Beat Being Outside the 'In' Group

When my son was a toddler I signed him up for a “gymnastics” group, hoping not only to use up some of his energy, but to find some friends for myself. Instead, I found that there was an "in" group of moms and kids -- and we were definitely on the outside. I felt like a third grader again. If you've ever been in this situation, you'll like these psychologically savvy ideas.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Weekend Assignment: 5 Things to Do While You Wait to Bottle Your Beer — The Kitchn's Beer School 2015

  • Today's topic: A few ideas for passing the time until your homebrew is ready.
  • The Kitchn's Beer School: 20 lessons, 7 assignments to brew your first 1-gallon batch of beer.
  • Sign up & see all the assignments! The Kitchn's Beer School

One more week until your beer will be ready to bottle, and another few weeks after that until it's ready to drink — how can we make that time pass more swiftly? Well, one answer is obvious: Make another batch of beer! Beyond this, I have a few ideas that I think you'll like.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes


Should a woman act or become submissive because a man uses power gestures? Does he cue her to be acquiescent with his expansive, powerful, dominating behaviors?

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Recipe: Peanut Butter & Graham Cracker Pudding Pops — Dessert Recipes from The Kitchn

You know why pudding pops are so great? Because you get all of the flavor and creaminess and deliciousness of pudding, but you don’t ever have to worry about that gross skin that forms on top of them. That skin! Will my nightmares about George’s Pudding Skin Singles ever end? Probably not for a while, since I’ve spent the last two weeks making pudding, but trust me — it’s worth it in the name of these popsicles.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

A Week of Simple Vegan Snacks from Kathy Patalsky — Meal Plans from The Kitchn

If your usual afternoon snack starts with a trip to the vending machine more often than you'd like, then take a look at these super-simple, super-tasty vegan snack ideas from Kathy Patalsky. This week, she's shared some of her favorite mid-afternoon noshes, from crispy avocado-filled quesadillas to make-ahead fruit cups. They're the kinds of quick-fix snacks that are perfect for busy days.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

The Most Important Decision You’ve Ever Made

Life is full of choices and although we may not ponder each decision we make, some can turn out to have surprisingly important effects on our happiness. Use this 10-item quiz to take stock of the ones you’ve made and ask yourself which have had the greatest impact on the direction your life has taken.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Silentish Saturday with a side of the track.

IMG 1643Neither of us were feeling our normal treadmill running routine so we hit up the track instead (I’ll post the workout next week).     The track is our playground.   Running shoes x 2. Next stop was the pool and we shared some salad, popcorn, apples and sandwiches.   We kept things simple for dinner too and Brooke had her favorite combo lately: Not much better than warm evenings outside.    I spend way too long picking out my […]

from The Hungry Runner Girl

5 Tips That Make Smart Snacking Easier — Tips from The Kitchn

I don't usually plan when I'm going to snack. Instead I reach for something to nibble on the moment my stomach starts grumbling. And as for what I reach for, it's usually whatever is the most convenient and requires the least amount of work in the moment.

Smarter snacking comes down to this: prep, packaging, and storage. Here are five helpful tips to make those things, and smarter snacking, a little bit easier.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

Free Printable June 2015 Love Calendar

FREE June Love Calendar 2015

Your free printable June Love Calendar is here! 

And it's FULL of fun and flirty romance tips to help reconnect you with your spouse and strengthen your marriage this month!

FREE June Love Calendar 2015

[pinit count="horizontal" always-show-count="1"
image_url="; description="Your FREE June 2015 LOVE calendar is here.  Are you ready for a whole month of intentionally loving your spouse?  Just print it off and complete the little romance tip each day!;]

Yep, we promised it would be coming and here it is!  Are you ready for another month of intentionally loving your spouse?

Have any suggestions for future romance calendars?  We'd LOVE to hear in the comments!!  

And if you're new to our Love Calendars then...

Here's How It Works

Just download the darling calendar, designed by the lovely Erin with Strawberry Mommycakes. Jennafer at Oh Creative One works with us to update it each month {Isn’t it fun?! Jennafer and Erin can seriously create anything we envision. Check out Jennafer's and Erin's work!}

Then, simply check it every day for your little “love assignment.” It might be a small act of service to do for your spouse, a love note to write, or a quick activity to do together.

Odd days are designated for the hubby and even days are for the wife. The husband is in charge of the days highlighted and the wife is in charge of the days in white. When it’s your day, you will either serve your spouse, plan date night, or grab any needed printables. You’re welcome!

 We’ve even included great date night ideas for each Friday night! {Don’t worry, we’ve only scheduled one “out on the town” date each month, so you only have to arrange for a babysitter once a month! The rest of the dates are fun and creative at-home options.} We’ve done all of the work for you, now you just have to MAKE IT HAPPEN!

**TIP: I suggest that you print the calendar and stick it somewhere where you’ll see it often. That way you can check off the little “love assignments” as you complete them. BUT make sure that you also save the digital file to your desktop. Wanna know why? The red text on the calendar are actually links! If you click on them, it will take you to a post with more details and sometimes FREE Printables to go with your little love assignment. So if you see a “red day” on the calendar, don’t forget to check the link!

So, are you ready to join our Marriage Challenge?

Just imagine what a whole month {or YEAR} of intentionally loving your spouse could do for your relationship!


And make sure to check in next month for your free printable July 2015 LOVE Calendar!

The post Free Printable June 2015 Love Calendar appeared first on The Dating Divas.

from The Dating Divas