
Sunday, January 31, 2016

Homemade Potato Bread

Potato Bread

Do you like potato bread? Potato bread is essentially wheat bread with a mashed potato worked into the dough. It has the most wonderful crust, and the light but firm structure, with generous craggly holes make for the most fantastic toast. (All those nooks and crannies? Perfect butter and jam receptacles.)

With all of the artisan breads available at the markets these days it’s a wonder anyone makes their own bread anymore. But I have yet to find freshly baked potato bread at the market, and making it at home is easy, especially if you have a mixer or bread machine.

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Simply Recipes

How Others Judge You

The need for acceptance is fairly high on our list of social priorities. What's more important is how others see us, or how they receive us, and what they do with that.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Recipe: Dandelion and Chicory Chai — Wild Drinks by Emily Han

From their bright-yellow blossoms right down to their roots, dandelions are incredibly nutritious. This recipe focuses on the root, which can be eaten fresh as a vegetable, or can be dried and roasted to make hot drinks that are delicious substitutes for tea and coffee.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

5 Sweet Veggie Treats from Samantha Seneviratne — Menus from The Kitchn

I bake with vegetables, and I know I'm not alone. I assume that pumpkin pie and carrot cake have graced every table in the United States at one time or another, but I'm here to tell you that there is more to vegetable desserts than just a couple of carrots. There is a whole array of veggie-aisle treats worth exploring.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

Love Researchers Pinpoint Happily-Ever-After Secrets

Oxytocin fires up love, but kindness and generosity of spirit, along with gratitude, are the secrets to happily-ever-after.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

P.F. Chang Is At My House

This post brought to you by P.F. Chang’s Home Menu. The content and opinions expressed below are that of RunEatRepeat. Hello! I just got back from a quick 24 hour trip to Palm Springs to visit my best friend. I’ll fill you in on the fun in another post, today we’re just talking about RUNNING […]

The post P.F. Chang Is At My House appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

The Sexual Ethics of Star Wars

Why must erotic love compromise a person's ability to use the Force for good?

from Psychology Today - Relationships

The Best Managers are the Best Communicators

Solid manager-employee relationships are built on a foundation of communication. Research bears this out, as did a long-ago conversation.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Parrots to the Rescue: How they Help Veterans with PTSD

A New York Times essay by Charles Siebert called "What Does a Parrot Know About PTSD?" is a must read about how parrots can help people deeply in need. It could be a life-changer.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

3 Signs That Your Relationship is Toxic!

Do you know the real source of where most relationships become toxic?

from Psychology Today - Relationships

6 Ways of Using Facebook to Get and Keep a Date

Can social media help you get a lover and maintain a relationship? According to the research, social networking sites can offer unique advantages for finding love. Learn more here.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Is It Okay to Stay Strictly for the Kids?

Anyone experiencing the pain of wanting out of the marriage but wanting to stay for the kids would welcome a creative alternative to divorce.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

15 Control Tactics of Difficult People

Be on the lookout for these, before you get blindsided!

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Something that marathon training helped me to realize and 10 Saturday events.

IMG 6724After my pool run yesterday I jumped on an elliptical and lasted a full 5 minutes.  Flashback to before I started training for my first marathon—>  I was in an elliptical obsession phase.  I would get on the thing Monday-Saturday for SEVENTY minutes (unless I taught spin that day then I would add the elliptical to the spin time to equal 70 minutes).  I never veered from it, I had my favorite elliptical and I would buckle down and get […]

from The Hungry Runner Girl

Trader Joe’s Grocery Haul + Party Favorites

SAM_7434-1280x853.jpgHey, hey! Happy Sunday! Just popping in to share this week’s grocery haul and some party/entertaining favorites from Trader Joe’s! Bananas – thankfully, they’re not “trick” bananas Green bell pepper Onion Potatoes – for breakfast potatoes Sweet potatoes Avocados Blueberries Mixed greens Organic milk Unsweetened soy milk Garbanzo beans Baked beans Canola oil Liquid egg whites […]

from Carrots 'N' Cake

Do You Need To Love Yourself Before You Can Love Others?

Popular wisdom tells us that self-esteem is a prerequisite for a healthy relationship; research suggests that the truth may be more complicated.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Saturday, January 30, 2016

5 Smart Tips for Making a Better Stir-Fry — Tips from The Kitchn

The ingredients may vary between veggies, noodles, tofu, and meat, but week in and week out, stir-fries make a regular appearance in my meal plan. It's a quick and simple dinner that's reliable and delicious.

While recipes are always handy, this is one of those cooking methods that's more about the technique. So before you pull out your wok (because yes, you should be using a wok), make sure you've got these secrets for stir-fry success down pat.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

5 Weeknight Dinners Featuring Fresh Pantry Ingredients — Meal Plans from The Kitchn

A few weeks ago we showcased some dinners using shelf-stable dry pantry ingredients, but there's the other (equally important) half of the pantry we try to keep well-stocked too. What's in this pantry? The dairy, vegetables, and other fresh staples you always have kicking around in your refrigerator or freezer. Now it's their turn to shine in these simple weeknight dinner recipes.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

Psssssst! Preview Party Monday Night! — Maxwell Ryan + Canvas Home Tableware Preview, Monday, February 1

Okay, I'm totally excited ... next week is the official launch of the first true product I've ever designed under my own name, especially for the Apartment Therapy and Kitchn audience. While I can't say too much until next Thursday, February 4, you can all come get a sneak peek next Monday night here in NYC during the NY Now Show. I'd love to see you. All the info is below.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

Does Religion Connect Us or Divide Us?

We're familiar with common addiction, but might we consider how religious beliefs can become an addition?

from Psychology Today - Relationships

The Single Word that Helps You Say "No" in a Kind Way

Saying "no" nicely is no easy task. Here are a few ways to do it well.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

A Simple Conversation Trick That Motivates People to Change

Whether you want to motivate yourself or someone else to do something different, research says this little trick is really effective.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Six Reasons to Give Someone a Second Chance

When people bother you to the point where you’re done and ready to excise them from your life, before you do, consider these 6 reasons to give them a second chance.

from Psychology Today - Relationships

Ronda Rousey's Trainer: "I'm Taking the Blame" for Loss to Holly Holm

6 Quick Ways to Burn 100 Calories

There's a Limit to How Many Calories You Can Burn in a Day

The WHO Says Bacon Leads to Cancer. We're Calling Bull.

Watch This Idiot Almost Knock Out His Gym Partner's Teeth With a Barbell

Fit Fix: Here's Why Fit Guys Should Move to Alaska

Watch Michael Phelps Go All Out for ASU's "Curtain of Distraction"

Silentish Saturday… “I can do anything” version.

IMG 6615Pool running and stair climbing require some pretty heavy duty foam rolling and Brooke always helps me out. Post-workout serious selfie faces. Even a filter couldn’t help make this meal look pretty but it was the perfect post-workout fuel—>  Egg scramble with ground turkey, spinach, yellow peppers and avocado.   A rainy kind of day.  Hoods necessary. I’m telling ya, the holiday themed candy always calls to me.  Put Brooke to bed at my mom’s house and she sang me […]

from The Hungry Runner Girl

Divas 30 Day Love Challenge – Day 15

Yahoo!! Day 15 is here and we can hardly believe that this challenge is already half way over!! We have had SO much fun everyday and today is not going to disappoint! Today's challenge is all about servicing your spouse with this adorable free printable service menu! {We have both wife and husband versions!!}

The post Divas 30 Day Love Challenge – Day 15 appeared first on The Dating Divas.

from The Dating Divas

Friday, January 29, 2016

Apple Carrot Cupcake

Apple Carrot Cake Cupcake

These apple carrot cupcakes are what happens when you can’t decide between carrot cake and apple cake; they’re the best of both, combined. They are a little sweeter than a muffin, but with all of the texture and flavor from apples, carrots, coconut, and pecans, and topped with cream cheese frosting.

Continue reading "Apple Carrot Cupcake" »

Simply Recipes

6 Great Examples of Penny Tile in the Kitchen — Apartment Therapy

You're probably used to seeing penny tile in the bathroom — but what about in the kitchen? These tiny tiles are a great way to shake up your look, and add a little texture and pattern to your kitchen.

From Apartment Therapy → Add a Little Texture to Your Kitchen with Penny Tiles


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

What's Your Best Advice for Starting a Journal? — Micro Resolutions for 2016

Confession: The idea of journal-writing makes me cringe. I was never the teenager who kept a diary stashed in her bedside table, filling it nightly with hopes and dreams or doodling hearts around my crush's name. In fact, in high school, when I had to keep a journal for English class, it was always the homework assignment I left for last. Give me calculus equations to solve or term papers to pen, but writing down my feelings? No thanks.

Here's the thing, though — journaling is actually good for you, and not just in the Chicken Soup for the Soul way. Research shows that expressive writing can lower stress, improve sleep, and increase immune response. So, this year, I'm giving journaling a second chance.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

How To Make Stir-Fried Beef and Broccoli — Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn

This is take-out menu beef and broccoli stir-fry — but so much better. No sad broccoli. No chewy, dry pieces of beef. No gloppy sauce. Replace all those with crisp-tender broccoli and savory bites of beef tossed with a simple three-ingredient stir-fry sauce. Chinese "take-out" night will never be the same.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

The Enduring Allure of Tomato Soup Cake — Food History

You don't see tomato soup cake on dessert menus at Michelin-starred restaurants. It's not a postmodern invention of the molecular gastronomy set. Unlike donuts or meatballs, it's not going through some upscale comfort food revival. Yet for the past century, tomato soup cake has endured, remaining a stalwart presence through decades of food trends to become an American dessert icon. And if you haven't tried it yet, you're in for a revelation.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

Why You Shouldn't Peel (Most of) Your Vegetables — Tips from the Kitchn

When you're late getting home from work and you're already starving for dinner, peeling your vegetables before cooking them probably feels like the last thing you want to be doing. It tacks on a few extra minutes, which on crazed weeknights can feel all too precious. So is it really necessary?


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

5 Ways to Stop Obsessing About Your Toddler's Diet — Feeding Your Toddler

As a new mom, I worried constantly that my daughter was eating too much or not enough vegetables, having too many snacks or developing an unhealthy attitude toward snacks. All that fretting was exhausting. And it turns out there's another really good reason for not obsessing about her meals: it actually made her a better eater.

Here's what I learned along the way. Trust me — you, too, can go from neurotic to normal when it comes to your toddler's diet.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes

12 Small Snacks to Satisfy Big Hunger — Recipes from The Kitchn

What's the worst-case scenario when that 3 p.m. post-lunch slump hits? Heading to the vending machine? Pulling out that stale candy bar? We get it. To avoid such dire situations, we've taken to keeping good-for-you snacks on hand. Any of these 12 snacks will quell your hunger pangs and keep you from ending up hangry, so the rest of your afternoon goes smoothly.


The Kitchn | Inspiring cooks, nourishing homes