
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Summer Melon Salad

I made this quick melon salad with the frog prince of melons – the piel de sapo. It has creamy, sweet, pale green flesh, and a blotched, pebbled green-yellow appearance. Piel de sapo means toad’s skin. I bought mine heavy, with streaks of yellow edging out the green on one side – both indicators of ripeness. Summer Melon Salad Recipe
If you come across one of these hefty summer gems, spring for it. I wasn’t sorry. Combined with some toasted almonds for crunch, serrano chiles and scallions to counter the sweet, small dollops of crème fraîche, cilantro, and a wash of sake, it’s a summer refresher. Particularly if you take the time to chill the melon all the way down just before serving.Summer Melon Salad Recipe
I should also mention, you can make the salad even if you can’t source this particular melon – sweet honeydew or cantaloupe would both be A+ substitutions.Summer Melon Salad Recipe

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