
Thursday, August 9, 2018

Ten Ingredient Alkalizing Green Soup

This is the greenest of green soups, and it couldn’t be simpler to make. You put ten ingredients in a blender, puree, and then decide if you’d like to enjoy the soup hot or cold. In winter, I like the gently heated option, but keep in mind, this is also a fantastic summer soup when served chilled. It’s a potent jolt of alkalizing vegetables and herbs, with some staying power thanks to the fat in the silky coconut cream, and the protein-rich split green peas. Serve your green soup topped with whatever herbs, sprouts, or nuts you might have on hand, or simply straight and green.Ten Ingredient Alkalizing Green Soup
A few considerations – in winter, heat the soup gently. Just shy of a simmer. And just before serving. This will help maintain the beneficial qualities of the miso, and more of the alkalizing power of the greens.Ten Ingredient Alkalizing Green Soup
One last thing. This is a fantastic on-the-go soup. Pour it into a thermos along with an ice cube or two in the summer. You know the drill for winter – warm it up a bit. Green soup for all seasons!

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